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Home Bhutan Weather Bhutan Weather in Autumn

Bhutan Weather in Autumn

Bhutan September-November weather

Autumn is one of the best tourist seasons in Bhutan. Bhutan in autumn sees rare rainy days and, at the same time, boasts fresh air.

In autumn, the average temperature in Bhutan is 10°C - 20°C. Such temperature makes either trekking or sightseeing perfectly comfortable.

Highlights in Bhutan's Autumn

Bhutan in autumn has ushered in a time of harvesting. The crops grow mature. Red and yellow leaves embrace the abundant sunshine.

Moreover, there is also a grand celebration in autumn. Thimphu tshechu usually falls in September each year. The Thimphu tshechu and tha Paro tshechu are among the biggest of the tshechus in terms of participation and audience. Local people, dressed with traditional costumes, normally join in the grand activity. It is a perfect opportunity to know the country and its people better.

Dressing advice in autumn

It is a little cold in autumn, and the temperature difference between day and night is large. Hence tourists need to dress warmly.

In the air-conditioned hotels, there is no need to worry about getting cold. But when you go outdoors, you need to pay more attention to your dressing in case of getting cold. It is recommended to wear T-shirts inside and some jackets.

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