The distance between Sagada and Manila is about 405 kilometers, and it's about 84 kilometers between Sagada and Banaue. Here's how to get to Sagada from Manila or Banaue:
By Bus from Manila to Sagada: Take a bus from Manila to Banaue (9-10 hours), then transfer to a jeepney or van to Sagada (2-3 hours).
By Jeepney or Van from Banaue to Sagada: Take a jeepney or van from Banaue to Sagada (2-3 hours). Jeepneys and vans are available at the Banaue bus terminal.
For a worry-free travel experience, we highly recommend choosing Philippines Discovery for your travel from Manila to Sagada or Banaue to Sagada. With our private tour packages, you can enjoy an all-inclusive service, including sightseeing tours, hotel accommodations, dining, and transportation. Let us know your preferences, and we can arrange the transportation for you.